Bohmann Concrete of Hayward, WI specializes in commercial and residential concrete services in Northern Wisconsin, Upper Michigan and Minnesota  
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Flatwork - Floors, Patios, Driveways, Sidewalks, Stamped Concrete

Bohmann Concrete can meet all of your flatwork needs, floors, patios, driveways, sidewalks, and even decorative stamped concrete. We also provide laser screed services to the Commercial and Industrial markets, with a Somero 160 Laser Screed. This system, along with our experienced and ACI Certified crew, enables us to meet the strictest of project specifications while placing concrete in an efficient and economical manner, at prices that are often less than local alternatives.

Laser Screed - Bohmann Concrete



Wisconsin Concrete Company

Concrete Construction & Flatwork

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Bohmann Concrete Area Leader in the Concrete Industry based in Hayward, WI - High Quality Concrete/Masonry Services